Fox hunt

Hunts in The North West

Lancashire Cheshire Cumbria
Bleasdale Beagles Border Counties MH Blencathra FH
Holcombe Hunt Cheshire Beagles FH Conniston FH
Pendle Forest and Craven Cheshire Forest FH Cumberland Farmers FH
Vale of Lune Cheshire Hunt FH Cumberland FH
  Sir Watkin Williams-Wynn's FH Cumbria Beagles
Other hunts nearby   Dalston MH
High Peak Hunt Drag hunts Eskdale and Ennerdale FH
Flint and Denbigh FH Cheshire Drag Hunt Lunsdale FH
Holme & Colne Valley Beagles   Melbreak FH
Moorlands Hunt FH FH = Foxhounds North Lonsdale FH
North Staffordshire FH MH = Minkhounds Ullswater FH
Pennine FH    

Holcombe Hunt

Huntsman: Mr Matthew Biddiscombe (2019)

Kennel Address: The Kennels, Kirklees, Brandleshome, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 4JP Tel: 01204 882985

Masters: Mrs. J. Grosvenor Simmons, Mr Martin Kirby, Mr Pat Gallagher

Whippers-in: (2008) Mrs Dianne Ashworth; (2009) Mr Iain Asher Chairman Name: (2009) Mrs J (Sue) Grosvenor Simmons, Ms Louise Blundell.

Vice Chairman: Mr Alan Jones

Hon. Secretary: Mrs Helen Wright

Meet: Wednesday and Saturday at 12 noon


Cheshire Forest Foxhounds

Masters: Mrs. Teryl Knowles (2017)

Mrs. E. (Liz) M. Gorse (2015)

Mr Henry R Brooks (2005)

Mr David T Willis Start (2003)

Huntsman: (2007) Mr Andrew German

Kennel Address: The Kennels, Peover Estate, Over Peover, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 9HW Tel: 01565 722490

Whippers-in Name(s): (1987) Mr Andrew Callwood

Chairman: (2015) Mr Nigel Waterwoth

President: (1998) Mr Peter J P Hunter


Cheshire Foxhounds

Master(s): (2018) Mr Rupert Higgin

Mrs. W. (Katherine) Diggle (2017)

Mrs. M. (Caroline) Topping (2017)

Mr Charlie J B Barlow (2013)

Joint Master: Mr Steve Davies (2019)

Huntsman Name: Mr Jake Oppenheim Start Year: 2017

Kennel Address: The Kennels Kennel Lane Sandiway Northwich Cheshire CW8 2EA

Meet: Tuesday and Saturday with bye day Thursday on alternate weeks.


Cheshire Beagles

Master(s): (2000) Mrs Joyce Murray

Kennel Address: Kilgreen Cottage, Higher Wyche, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 4JT Tel: 01948 780584

Whippers-in (s): (1996) Mr T Isherwood; (2008) Mr N Nicholas; (2008) Mr M Speed.

Chairman: (2000) Mr Jonathan D Baldwin

Kennel Huntsman: (2004) Miss Charlotte L Murray (Current)

Meet: Saturday and Wednesday


Sir Watkin Williams-Wynns Foxhounds

Master(s): (2011) Mr Dominic B Curran

Mr Harry Watkin Williams-Wynn (2019)

Mr William Turner (2019)

Huntsman: Mr Christopher Woodward (2019)

Kennel Address: Wynnstay Kennels, Overton Road, Ruabon, Wrexham, Clwyd LL14 6HW Tel: 01978 823122

Chairman: (2014) Mr Jonathon F. E. Turner

Kennel Huntsman: (2015) Mr Christopher Woodward (Current)

Meet: Tuesday and Saturday; bye day Thursday.


High Peak Hunt

Master(s): (2015) Mrs Christine Moseley

(2015) Mr Mick Mottershaw

Huntsman: Mr Reuben Kench (2019)

Kennel Address: The Kennels, Shutts Lane, Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1JA Tel 01629 812020

Chairman: Mrs. E. (Liz) Andrews (2017)

Terrierman: Mr J Noon (Current)

Meet: Two days per week plus the occasional bye day.


Flint and Denbigh Foxhounds

Master(s): Sam Degregory Start ( 2018)

Mr Richard Darch (2018)

Mr Paul G Smith (2006)

Mrs H G (Davina) Fetherstonhaugh (2001)

Mr Dewi Roberts (2019)

Huntsman Name: Mr Nigel Cox (2019)

Kennel Address: The Kennels, Cefn, St Asaph, Denbighshire, LL17 0HA Tel: 01745 582421

Whippers-in (s): (2010) Mr Nick Thornicroft

Chairman: (2016) Mr Michael Cunningham

Kennelman: (2008) Mr Rob Smith (Current)

Meet: Tuesday and Saturday.

Contact Info
Mobile :
07960 038230
Address :
North West HSA c/o BM HSA, London, WC1N 3XX

Information on hunts, shoots, gamekeepers, where hunts are meeting, places, dates etc., people you suspect of being involved in bloodsports, anybody seen digging for badgers or foxes. Any information no matter how small could be of great use to us. If you can help please contact us.

Please Support Us

100% of all donations will go directly to helping get saboteurs out in the field, saving lives, so every donation makes a big difference. We are active both at weekends and during the week to prevent the persecution of wildlife. Please support us by making a donation.