contact us

Contact Us

Mobile: 07960 038230

Email :

Address : North West HSA c/o BM HSA, London, WC1N 3XX

Or via the form below

Other ways you can help

  • Information is needed on any hunts in the North West; locations of hunt meets are particularly useful
  • e-mail us to let us know any information you feel will be relevant, past or present

Do you have any unwanted equipment, which could help us save animals lives?

  • Video or stills cameras
  • Dictaphones
  • Maps (OS maps especially)
  • Compasses
  • Mobile phones
  • Binoculars or GPS devices
  • Old climbing rope (for making whips)
  • Empty spray bottles
  • Pure citronella oil

If you can offer any of these items please get in touch via the form above.

Contact Info
Mobile :
07960 038230
Address :
North West HSA c/o BM HSA, London, WC1N 3XX

Information on hunts, shoots, gamekeepers, where hunts are meeting, places, dates etc., people you suspect of being involved in bloodsports, anybody seen digging for badgers or foxes. Any information no matter how small could be of great use to us. If you can help pleaseĀ contact us.

Please Support Us

100% of all donations will go directly to helping get saboteurs out in the field, saving lives, so every donation makes a big difference. We are active both at weekends and during the week to prevent the persecution of wildlife. Please support us by making a donation.