a snare

How to Deal With Snares

Each year in Britain around five million wild animals are killed with traps, snares. guns and poisons. Most of it goes unseen, unlike hunting, and therefore it never reaches the media. Often traps and snares are left unchecked for long periods of time, and hence animals and birds suffer slow and agonising deaths.

Sabbing hunts is usually done enmasse, but estates are best checked by individuals or groups of just two people - confrontation is to be avoided, since the immobilising of traps and snares cannot be carried out if the gamekeeper knows you are there. Also, the same area should be regularly re-visited and checked for traps or snares. 

Snares and traps can be placed in most countryside areas, but two of the most common locations are:

Around release pens - snares are set around the perimeter and attached to the fence. Traps are usually found under box-like tunnels, staked to the ground, again around the perimeter fencing.

Along wire fencing either deer fencing or stock fencing. Usually mammals will use regular pathways, leading to a gap under the fence - the pathways are easy to spot and the snares and traps are normally set in the gaps. Sometimes, if there are no gaps under the fence, pathways will run along the edge. These can also be snared, especially in areas where the undergrowth forces the animal into a small gap. This can also occur in dense woodland away from both release pens and fencing. 

The actual release pen can be a problem, especially if it is occupied. You are faced with a dilemma - knowing full well what will happen to these young birds in the near future. However, at this point I would not advise damaging the pen in any way, or releasing the occupants, since if they are still confined they are not mature enough to be able to escape from predators and since they are semi- tame and food is normally available, they will remain in that area. Releasing them only plays into the hands of the gamekeeper, who will label you irresponsible. 

Satisfy yourself with being able to sabotage the actual shoots when they occur. What you do with an empty release pen is obviously up to you, but they are quite costly to erect, the wire being the most expensive component.

Shooting estates are easy to spot if you are out walking you may notice food bins amongst the woods; usually they are full of corn to keep the pheasants in the area. You may even notice an area with an obvious over-abundance of pheasants.

Be aware when demobilising of snares, an action which could be regarded as criminal damage.

Anyone can be involved in this form of wildlife protection, whether you are an active sab out in the country to visit a hunt, or just someone out walking. It's something you can do even if you are unable to regularly sabotage hunts.

To conclude, might I suggest that local sab groups keep records of release pens in their area. This would allow people to help save at least some of the five million animals lives lost each year at the hands of gamekeepers and farmers .

Some other points to remember when visiting shooting estates:

Always carry a haversack to carry traps in - it also makes you look like a member of the public.

A pair of binoculars and a bird watching book in your pocket can be invaluable as an excuse for being on land.

Keep an Ordnance Survey map with you.

If at all possible avoid confrontation, but if you are seen don't run away - approach the person and make out that you are lost and need guidance to get back on the right path. Be courteous and apologetic remember that you may need to revisit the same area on another day.

Finally, remember that it's not just shooting estates that put out snares and traps. Farmers use them as well, so if you are out walking the dog why not check along the bottom of stock fences. You never know what you might find!!!

Snares and The Law

Snares - The Facts

Snares - Why They Should Be Banned

The National Anti Snaring Campaign

The League Against Cruel Sports

Contact Info
Mobile :
07960 038230
Address :
North West HSA c/o BM HSA, London, WC1N 3XX

Information on hunts, shoots, gamekeepers, where hunts are meeting, places, dates etc., people you suspect of being involved in bloodsports, anybody seen digging for badgers or foxes. Any information no matter how small could be of great use to us. If you can help pleaseĀ contact us.

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100% of all donations will go directly to helping get saboteurs out in the field, saving lives, so every donation makes a big difference. We are active both at weekends and during the week to prevent the persecution of wildlife. Please support us by making a donation.