Hunt sabs with hounds

Who are we?

The North West Hunt Saboteurs Association (NWHSA), is an organisation that is dedicated to the saving of the lives of hunted animals by using non-violent direct action.

This week, there will be someone trying to torture and kill innocent wild animals for sport within a few miles of where you live. We're going to be there to stop them...Will you?

Our actions mean the difference between life and death for hunted animals.

Paul Timpson (Manchester)
Get Involved
Hunt sab and foxhound

Who Choose Us?

The North West Hunt Sabs have many years experience in dealing with hunts and shoots

Hunting and shooting

We use tactics that have been proven to be effective in saving the lives of 1000's of animals.

Always watching

Hunt sabs are always watching and will intervene when necessay to save the life of a hunted animal.

Photo and video evidence

Hunts sabs use photographic and video evidence to record illegal hunting and any other breaches of the law.


Hunt sabs use a range of equipment such as gizmos, body cameras and drones in their fight against bloodsports.

Have a problem with your local hunt or shoot?


What we do

fox hunt sab

Fox and hare hunting

Read the best way to stop a hunt from killing a fox or a hare

mink hunt sab

Mink hunting

How to stop a mink hunt by following our simple tactics

grouse shoot sab

Pheasant and grouse shooting

How to stop or disrupt a grouse or pheasant shoot


25Nov 2021

The National Trust’s board of trustees has today announced the charity will no longer issue licences for trail hunting on Trust land. At the charity’s Annual General Meeting in October 2021, members voted by 76,816 to 38,184 in favour of banning trail hunting on National Trust land.

15Oct 2021

A senior fox hunter has been found guilty of encouraging and assisting people to evade the ban on fox hunting. Recordings of Mark Hankinson, a director of the Master of Foxhounds Association, speaking to around 100 senior hunters in two private webinars in August 2020 were leaked online.

12Aug 2021

Over 100 hunt sabs have disrupted multiple grouse shoots in the Yorkshire Dales on the  prestigious opening day of the grouse shooting season. Despite repeated claims in the media that shoots were either delaying or cancelling their seasons due to low grouse counts we knew that many of them still wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to shoot on the Inglorious 12th and how right we were.

For all the latest news see the NWHSA blog here